At We2Care, we know how important it is to work in a culturally safe and respectful environment, and that those providing services to Indigenous people with disabilities genuinely understand the importance of culture, country, history, community and family is to Indigenous Australians.
We2Care staff members participate in cultural competency training so that we can work productively and respectfully alongside Indigenous people.
We have employed Indigenous staff members, and we continue to work with and seek guidance and advice from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
When working with Indigenous people, we use a holistic approach that enables us to work with the individual and their whole family and provide supports that are aimed at empowering and building their capacity to engage with service providers.
We promote activities that are destigmatising by offering one-on-one sessions and an Indigenous liaison worker.
We encourage yarning and storytelling opportunities with our participants to better understand their needs and aspirations.
We2Care works with individuals, families, communities and mainstream services to promote equitable access to services and inclusion for people with disability from indigenous backgrounds.
Please call us for all your NDIS and aged care need - we can help.
We provide inclusive, flexible, personalised and culturally appropriate services that help you reach your goals.
We2Care provides culturally sensitive support by employing qualified and experienced indigenous workers who are sensitive to each participant’s identity and culture.
We support our participants and their families and carers in an honest, respectful and non-judgemental way as they work to achieve their goals.
We respect your rights and work towards you making choices as to how you as an individual wish to live your life.
We understand how hard it is to invite people into your home and life, so we adhere to the most stringent confidentiality and privacy policies, follow your house rules and respect the boundaries you have put in place.