Meet With Us

Start your NDIS journey with us. We can meet you at our office, a location close to you such as a cafe, or in your own home-any place where you feel comfortable.

Our Services

Before you receive your NDIS plan, we can support you to:
  • understand the NDIS and how it works
  • find out if you are eligible
  • identify goals that the NDIS may fund
  • put together the documents you need for your application
  • prepare for your first NDIA planning meeting.

Community Nursing

We2Care nursing services are directed by experienced registered nurses and performed by enrolled endorsed nurses, enrolled nurses and assistant nurses in the comfort of your own home.

Registered nurses provide care plans that are based on a thorough examination that identifies your health conditions, the level of care required, and the appropriate medical interventions needed. Nursing is provided in consultation with your doctor and/or hospital discharge team. If there is an issue with your care and your GP is unavailable, We2Care nurses have access to our own in-house GP for clarification and guidance. At We2Care, we aim to provide the best possible care and management of your health issues.

What we offer:

  • Visiting nurses
  • Medication set-up
  • Medication administration/supervision
  • Catheter care
  • Tube-feeding assistance
  • Palliative support
  • Continence advice
  • Diabetes management
  • Dementia management
  • Wound care
  • Stoma care
  • Monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, temperature and blood sugar levels
  • Education for clients and their families
Our team members receive regular supervision and continuous training to understand the diverse and changing care needs of our clients.

Accommodation Assistance

This service helps people with a disability to find suitable long-term and affordable private accommodation. We can support you in all areas of sourcing and inspecting rental properties, including:
  • We can organise removalists, and help you pack, unpack and get settled in. We work with you to ensure your rent and other bills are paid on time and household tasks are completed.
  • We also advocate with you or on your behalf with the landlord and help you access residential and family-based respite schemes.
  • We can also help you to apply for government housing
  • completing application forms
  • filling out lease agreements
  • applying for financial assistance

Assistance with Life-Stage Transitions

We understand that people may require assistance as they go through transitions-whether developmental, educational, social, psychological or emotional in nature.

We2Care will assist you and your family to plan and explore options for times of key life transitions and will also help you to identify potential roadblocks and plan how to successfully resolve them.

We can support you and your family through all life stages, and equip you with the skills, capacity and confidence to manage future transitions. Ask us any of your questions about studying, transitioning from your home or ageing-we can help.

Behaviour Support

We2Care provide support to children from age 9 and adults with disability who present with behaviour of concern or mental illness.

We utilise a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach that focuses on increasing a person’s quality of life and decreasing the frequency and severity of their behaviour of concern.

Our practitioners take a positive and proactive approach to behaviour support. A positive approach means increasing and strengthening helpful behaviour through learning and reinforcement, rather than using punishment or negative consequences to respond to someone. A proactive approach means anticipating where things may go wrong and preventing those things from happening, rather than just reacting when things go wrong. As a result, we see an improvement in relationships with family and friends.

How we can help

We2Care can work with the person presenting with behaviour of concern and their support network to:
  • Develop strategies that build on the person’s strengths and are based on developing positive relationships, communication and coping skills, and other impacting factors
  • Determine the reasons for a behaviour of concern and provide targeted strategies on how to support the person to decrease their reliance on that behaviour to have their needs met.

In-home Respite Care

From time to time, we all need a break to recharge our energy and increase our capacity to keep providing care. Respite care provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your family member is being well cared for by our qualified support worker. Our support worker will come to your home and take over your duties so that you can have a rest.
Respite care can be for:
  • a couple of hours
  • a day
  • an overnight sleepover
  • a weekend
  • a couple of weeks.
We can help. We would love to hear from you to discuss how we can support you to take a break from your caring role and recharge.

Development - Life Skills

We support you to develop everyday life skills that increase independence and control. By focusing on your own specific goals, we can support you to gain the skills you need to achieve greater independence, confidence and control. Building everyday skills not only allows you to be more independent, it also builds a greater sense of self-esteem.

This support provides training in the skills you need to manage daily life activities, increase communication and social skills, build capacity, solve problems and manage funding.

We offer training in:
  • budgeting and money skills
  • travel training and planning how to get out and about
  • preparing meals
  • grooming and personal presentation
  • developing hobbies, such as painting
  • exploring your sporting interests
  • managing finances
  • planning for medical and dental appointments
  • using technology and social media
  • accessing educational opportunities

Plan Management

You may need some extra assistance from We2Care when planning and managing supports through your individualised funding arrangements.
We can help with the following:
  • If you need extra assistance around the home, help attending appointments or would just like someone to go to the footy with—we will support you to be active within your community, regardless of your level of ability or needs.
  • You can select your own personal carers from our pool of qualified and dedicated staff. That means you have control over the kind of assistance you receive, when and how you need it.
  • If you have found your own support worker, we can assist you with reference checks, police checks, blue card checks, contracts etc.
  • We can assist you with individual planning, costing, review and regular updates on individual expenditure.
  • We provide skills training to develop independent living skills in and around the home.
  • We2Care can help you select providers, develop service agreements, pay providers, develop monthly statements and claim payment from the NDIA.

Daily Tasks/Shared Living and Personal Activities

We can help you to learn new skills that will enable you to do things independently, participate in the community and develop daily living routines.

How We Can Help

We2Care can assist with developing skills such as:

  • cooking for yourself and others
  • planning menus and learning about nutrition
  • cleaning and washing
  • shopping
  • paying bills, setting routines and meeting other responsibilities.

We provide assistance with:

  • self-care and personal support
  • high-intensity self-care assistance (dressing, showering, toileting, continence support, grooming, administering medication, feeding)
  • light cleaning
  • household activities and meal preparation
  • one-on-one support for children
  • sleepover support.

Household Tasks

A clean, orderly environment can make a difference to your quality of life at home. We understand this and are ready to provide a helping hand when it comes to daily domestic responsibilities.

Our support team can work alongside you or under your direction to perform light household duties required in the day-to-day running of a home.

Light duties can include:

  • general tidying up
  • washing and ironing
  • preparing meals
  • general house cleaning
  • shopping
  • running errands
  • changing bed linen
  • maintaining the garden.
Let us support you with the household tasks you need assistance with.

Community Participation

A fulfilling life includes making friends and being part of your community. This support is designed for individuals who wish to expand their social circles, interact with the community and join groups to build friendship networks.

We can support you to access and engage with your community, whether you want to further your goals and interests, work, study or simply socialise. We can arrange transport, accompany you and provide any personal support you require while out.

This support also provides the opportunity to connect with recreational activities.

You can choose to participate one-on-one or in a group.

You might like to:
  • go to the local club
  • see a movie or a play
  • go shopping
  • try a new cafe
  • participate in We2Care activities
  • join a sporting club
  • visit the library
  • try a local hobby or craft group
  • attend other events
  • find opportunities to volunteer.

Centre and Group Activities

You can participate in the following activities on-site at We2Care:

  • Drumming/Music
  • Movie and book club
  • Mindfulness and relaxation
  • Amateur make-up classes
  • Manicure and pedicure classes
  • Women’s social club-In this group, women can socialise with other women by attending cafes, restaurants and movies, and discussing books and social events. This group also involves guided discussions on topics such as women’s health, sexual health and financial management.
  • Classes on healthy relationships and sexuality
  • Classes on using technology e.g., smartphones, apps, social media

Mental Health Support

We2Care offers a range of non-clinical supports designed to assist you take steps towards recovery. The aim of mental health support is to reduce isolation, assist with or help you relearn activities of daily living, set recovery goals, develop social skills and support you to connect with local support services.

We2Care services include:

  • education around stress management and coping strategies
  • working with you to develop a mental health recovery plan and a relapse plan
  • help to better manage your daily activities and reconnect to your community
  • assistance to engage with specialist or clinical mental health services
  • referrals to other appropriate services
  • support for family, carers and others, including managing behaviours of concern
  • help connecting to government assistance (talking to Centrelink, housing agencies, hospitals etc.)
  • medication prompting
  • counselling
  • parenting support
  • assistance with coordinating services
  • sourcing recreational activities.

Therapeutic Supports: Social Work Services

These services aim to support our participants and their families and carers in an honest, respectful and non-judgemental way as they work to achieve their goals. We2Care social workers offer expertise to help participants and their families identify needs, and facilitate emotional, social and practical support. Social workers empower participants to enhance their life goals while helping to provide safety and stability during times of hardship. These services can be provided in the community, at the We2Care office, or at your home.

Things your social worker can help with include:

Your social worker can also provide support, counselling and referrals during difficult situations such as:
  • helping you understand and adjust to a diagnosis of disability
  • assessing living skills, behaviour, environment, social abilities etc.
  • helping you build skills and capacity
  • assisting children (and their families) with transitions (to school, to adulthood)
  • assisting families to explore stressors and develop innovative coping strategies
  • assisting you and your family to make the most of your social and emotional strengths
  • helping a family to sustain caring arrangements (e.g. providing respite, personal care support or domestic assistance)
  • providing carer support, and connecting them to support groups or other carers
  • providing key information about government benefits and other community resources
  • developing strategies to assist with behaviours of concern or mental health issues
  • providing information and education about relationships, friendships and sexuality
  • providing confidential counselling and support around issues such as mental health, self-esteem and identity, stress management, coping strategies and relationship issues (Visit our counselling section)
Your social worker can also assist during difficult situations such as:
  • the death of a family member or friend
  • financial problems
  • domestic violence or abuse
  • post-traumatic events
  • grief and loss
  • parenting support
  • Social isolation/loneliness
  • family breakdown
  • caregiver distress
  • work-related bullying and stress

We also have education and counselling programs that promote increasing physical activity, improving nutrition and reducing use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.

This service is available face-to-face (in our office or at your home), over the phone and by video link.

Support Coordination

We2Care provides support coordination to help individuals and their family navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Support coordination can support you to understand and implement your NDIS plan. We can help you to find the right service providers for your needs and coordinate all your supports, including mainstream, informal, community and funded supports.

Support coordination (low)

We will work with you and your support network to explore your options, develop resilience in your own network and community, resolve points of crisis and build on your informal supports. This includes resolving points of crisis, developing capacity and resilience in a family’s network and coordinating supports from a range of sources

Specialist support coordination (high)

We2Care provides specialist support for clients with high and complex needs. This service is time-limited, and focuses on addressing barriers and reducing complexity in the support environment, while assisting family to build capacity and resilience and connect with other support. It may also involve developing an intervention plan that will be put in place by disability support workers.

Our multidisciplinary team consisting of a doctor, nurses, social workers and support workers ensures that we have the skills and knowledge to provide a responsive service that is tailored to each individual’s circumstances. We emphasise a person-centred approach, working on specific goals within each individual’s plan. Our aim is to support participants and their families to build their capacity and resilience to manage their own supports in the future.

How we can help:
  • Adapt personal plans to suit individual circumstances and needs
  • Find community services and resources
  • Identify and evaluate potential support options
  • Make referrals, and negotiate and contract with support providers
  • Analyse the need for secondary support
  • Write, cost and implement support plans
  • Coordinate support arrangements
  • Conduct regular reviews to ensure effective service provision
  • Advocate with you or on your behalf if your rights to services or opportunities are being compromised
  • Provide key information about government benefits
  • Assist with advanced care planning, including obtaining guardianship and/or administration orders if necessary
  • Participate in multidisciplinary teams and meetings with external agencies, e.g. child protection, mental health or parole and correction agencies

Most of our social work services are provided one-on-one, and our social workers can meet you in your home or at our offices.

All We2Care social workers are members of the Australian Association of Social Work (AASW) and We2Care is a registered Social Work provider under the NDIS.

Access to Service

Contact us if you need a social worker as part of your NDIS plan.

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